IEPA CCDD / SDS Docs / Tax Exempt / Credit App
All CCDD disposal scenarios must be pre-approved prior to the commencement of disposal. Please select the appropriate form(s) below, complete all requested information, execute and submit for review / approval.
All disposal submittal forms can be emailed to
Please call our Environmental Manager at (847) 395-3313 for further direction or additional information.
- Antioch-Lakemoor-Instructions-for-Completing-Material-Profile-Sheet
- Thelen CCDD Soil Testing Requirements and the IEPA MAC table
- Antioch & Lakemoor Facility – Clean Fill Agreement
- Antioch & Lakemoor Facility – Material Profile Sheet
- Non Potentially Impacted Property (residential / agg) (662) (right click on link and download to desktop to open)
- Potentially Impacted Property (commercial / industrial (663) (right click on link and download to desktop to open)
- CCDD Law and Forms Explained